A Strategic Program to Address Issues in the African American Community

A central component of NEXUS 2050 is the African American Solutions Matrix: The List.

Four Key Points

  • "The List" features and centralizes the top 1000 issues impacting the African American community. 
  • "The List" consists of ten categories with 100 associated issues.
  • Each issue has a target goal and we track the progress toward remediation and resolution. 
  • We collaborate with subject matter experts, community leaders, politicians, teachers, non-profit organizations, private industry, etc. to capture our collective efforts toward remediating and resolving 1000 issues by 2050. 

Core Program Benefits

NEXUS 2050, with its mission to resolve the top 1000 issues impacting the African American community, offers profound benefits across multiple facets of life. Addressing these critical issues can lead to holistic improvement in quality of life, particularly in areas such as health and wellness, business administration, and education. Enhanced healthcare access and preventive care can significantly improve overall health outcomes, while improved educational opportunities, from early childhood to higher education, can close achievement gaps and promote lifelong learning. By focusing on business administration and wealth management, NEXUS 2050 can empower individuals economically, reducing unemployment and wage gaps, and providing better access to capital.

The initiative’s commitment to legal reform and criminal justice reform can promote fairness and reduce racial disparities within the justice system, while strengthening civil rights protections ensures that discrimination is combated and equal opportunities are provided. Community empowerment is another vital area, with strengthened community organizations and leadership and mentorship programs fostering greater cohesion and self-reliance. Civic engagement and political participation are encouraged, ensuring that African American voices are influential in decision-making processes.

NEXUS 2050 also recognizes the importance of cultural preservation and representation. By celebrating African American history and culture, the initiative enhances community pride and identity, while increasing representation in media, politics, and business provides essential role models. Additionally, the focus on employment and careers, leadership and mentorship, and technology prepares individuals for the future workforce and helps reduce unemployment rates. Networking and relationship management are emphasized to build robust community and professional networks, fostering opportunities for growth and advancement. By ensuring intergenerational equity and resilience building, NEXUS 2050 aims to create a just and equitable society for future generations, capable of withstanding economic, social, and environmental challenges.

Our overall comprehensive approach to addressing the top 1000 issues affecting the African American community holds the potential to significantly enhance health, education, economic stability, social justice, and overall quality of life for African Americans and in turn, fostering a more inclusive and prosperous society for all. Ultimately, "The List" measures, tracks, quantifies, qualifies, outlines, and articulates our progress and provides a mechanism for direct conversation. "The List" is our tool to chart our forward movement and to become champions of our collective destiny.

Jira / Program Management

We leverage tools like Jira to chart and document our collective efforts. Jira is a project and issue tracking software that can be a good tool for teams because it's designed to help teams work in agile ways. It can help teams:

Break down projects Jira can help teams break down large projects into smaller, more manageable tasks and sprints. This can help keep teams focused and on schedule.

Plan sprints Jira can help teams refine product backlogs, generate ideas, prioritize tasks, and document user stories. It can also provide real-time visual status updates so teams can respond to changes as they arise.

Collaborate Jira can help teams collaborate by allowing them to create files, add attachments, and send links to teammates for commenting and editing.